Do you have concerns about your child's communication skills? Is your child not putting together sentences or not speaking at all? Join Better Speech on the new episode of the Autism Family Resource Podcast, where we discuss some of the red flags to watch out for, how to help your child and when to reach out to the speech-language pathologist.
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Episode highlights
When it comes to speech and communication development, children learn to express themselves by learning from us.
With children, language starts at the very beginning: understanding language before we can actually express language. So as little ones continue to grow their understanding, we're making eye-to-eye contact, as we're talking. There's turn-taking, and there's a back-and-forth to our language. And the same goes for their ability to understand when we follow directions.
Have concerns about your child's speech development?
Some things to look out for are how your child responds to the information you are giving. When you call your child’s name does he/she respond? Does he/she look at your face? Does your child follow the directions you are giving? Does the response you’re getting show that your child understands what you are saying? Another thing to watch out for is whether your child is babbling or playing with the voice. Does he/she try to get your attention?
Just because they can't express themselves doesn't mean that they aren't able to understand and learn from the communication that we're providing them.
Key strategies to help your children with language development: keep talking to them, offer opportunities to play and to speak, encourage their ability to effectively communicate with us, or use Better Speech online Practice Library to develop their skills while playing games.
If you have any concerns about any type of delay it is in your best interest to consult a speech therapist. At Better Speech, we offer online speech therapy services convenient for you and tailored to your child's individual needs. Our services are affordable and effective - get Better Speech now.
About the Author

Lenora Edwards
I am ASHA Board Certified Speech Language Pathologist and Chief Knowledge Officer with Better Speech. Since obtaining my CCC’s in 2010, I have worked with individuals of all ages from little ones who are learning to understand and express themselves to adults who want to improve their speaking skills and become a more fluent and effective communicator. I love to teach and educate others, in my spare time I like reading, cooking and traveling!