In this new episode with Autism Family Resource, we discuss a deeper understanding of language development and the impact of lockdown and COVID-19 on children and families. Discover actionable insights on addressing speech delays caused by these challenges.
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Episode highlights:
We are not born with understanding language. We need to have that exposure in order to understand the language that's in our environment. And language exposure, especially rich language environments, are a wonderful thing. And what happened with lockdowns is that we were not able to provide that to children.
With children, they need to be a part of that environment to understand what's going on and to see how people are interacting to really understand.
These are all ways that we're using language and these are ways that language is being shared. With lockdown, what happened was these children were developing and their brains were developing, but they weren't getting this exposure. And now we're seeing this very significant language development delay, as in children don't necessarily understand facial expression.
Address Lockdown's Impact on Children's Language Development
These children, whether they are diagnosed with autism, whether they are typically developing, whether they're neurotypically developing, whatever they are, it is our responsibility as the community, as people of this world, to help them communicate because they did have this massive gap of time and it wasn't their fault.
If you're a parent or guardian with concerns, it's never too late to seek help. At Better Speech, our online therapy services are designed for your convenience and customized to meet your child's unique needs. Our solutions are both affordable and highly effective. Get Better speech now.
About the Author

Lenora Edwards
I am ASHA Board Certified Speech Language Pathologist and Chief Knowledge Officer with Better Speech. Since obtaining my CCC’s in 2010, I have worked with individuals of all ages from little ones who are learning to understand and express themselves to adults who want to improve their speaking skills and become a more fluent and effective communicator. I love to teach and educate others, in my spare time I like reading, cooking and traveling!